He's tried so many things in life and the so called fun that a preteen, a teenager and a youth could ever do. The same had been in penury and in wealth yet none of all these things can fill in the void of satisfaction, happiness and great joy that the spirit of the holy one of Israel brings.
After seeing each desire and dream come true in our lives, the joy of that feet attained lasts just but for few days and then after it's like nothing ever happened. To keep a lively spirit we have to go through that routine and that stress cycle that leads to a dead end. Yet we still don't get that satisfaction. We're still empty until the Spirit of God fills us with great Joy
Now the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit. So for people who are yet to be and for those who already are children of God, the only thing that keeps it (our walk with God) fresh is the presence and the Spirit of God. That same spirit and presence which David and Moses cried for.
Brethren there's nothing that can take His place. Not one thing and not for one day. He's beautiful in all His Ways.
So join me in this prayer ( Jesus Show Me Love, baba God Na You I Want)!
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Phone : (+234) 08136387533
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